Sundays are becoming great family days for us in Paris. We usually attend mass at the American Cathedral, and then a walk home by the park at Trocadero, just to look at the Eiffel Tower & enjoy the sunshine a bit, before heading back to the apartment for naps. It is a lazy, wonderful day, and we hope this pace continues.
The Cathedral has been a great entry into Paris & a community for us. Ideally, we would like to attend a French church. However, understanding the service is pretty important to us, and we have been so impressed with the homilies, and the friendliness of everyone in the parish. There seems to be a lot of couples our age, it helps they have a young priest who is heading up a 20s/30s group, and they have a nursery where Sophia can go & play while Troy & I have a date, at church.
Sundays are also so lazy because there is nothing open that doesn't revolve around food! The corner markets are still there, ready with plastic glasses, cheese, & a wine opener for impromptu picnic. Of course we still have 2 bakeries to choose from, by law there must be a bakery open every day of the year within a certain distance from each other. We are trying out all of the bakeries in our neighborhood. So far they are all good, but I'm sure we will start picking favorites soon!