Friday, December 28, 2007

A very Sophia Christmas II

More of Sophia photos. On Boxing Day, Sophia went around the room and took pictures of everyone in the room. Here are a sampling of those photos.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

A very Sophia Christmas

For Christmas Santa gave Sophia her first digital camera, a Fisher Price version that looks like a view finder (for those of us from a previous generation). She has taken over 400 photos in the last 3 days - she definately takes after her parents! These are just a few examples of Annie Lebowitz in training...

Monday, December 24, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Eve - Kids at Play

Every year we kick off the holiday season on Christmas Eve with the Kivimaki family, just north of Seattle. It's a very special Scandinavian celebration, with traditional dress and singing around the Christmas tree. We started the day with friends Meri & Henrik, went to evening mass, and by the evening - Sophia was ready to play. Photos here are with Vivian, Alex and Sean.