Since Sophia is at an international school there hasn’t really been a celebration of Christmas. However, this year the last assembly before vacation was a celebration of all of the cultures that use light, candles, during the winter holiday. Sophia has been practicing the Dreidel song, as well as a number of other holiday hits.
The assembly started with the St Lucia procession then followed by the lighting of the menorah
the singing of the Dreidel song while the kids spun like a top on stage
followed by the advent wreath from Germany, and a very interesting Hindu song. By the end the stage was packed!
It was a great way to include so many cultures & children, and really shouldn’t holidays be about celebrating our differences, instead of trying to ignore that they exist and shutting down all celebrations entirely? I think the holiday displays in the US could learn a lot from this… And it was a fun way to kick off the vacation (even though they still had one more day of school to go).