As our travel as a family of 3 comes to an end we decided to go to Paris for the Easter weekend(Bavaria was very accomodating giving us both Good Friday & Easter Monday as public holidays). It was wonderful to be back, although a bit sad too - Sophia was very confused why we weren't going to our home as she had been telling people all week in Munich that we were going to Paris for the weekend & not coming back. The hotel was a bit of a shock for her, but the 6 carousel rides on Saturday seemed to make up for some of her disappointment.
We had a wonderful weekend with friends, I fit in some shopping on Saturday (French baby clothes!), services at the Cathedral, and we even found time to go to the Louvre for an evening!
The Easter Bunny made it to our hotel room, and rather than a basket for Sophia, she was given her own rolling suitcase filled with Easter treats. Very appropriate for the traveling family!