Saturday, December 20, 2008

Santa's visit

The classic first photo with Santa, Alexandra had just woken up (3 days post arrival in Seattle), and was not thrilled.

Sean with Santa, showing he is an old pro.
You will notice there is no photo of Sophia, she wouldn't go anywhere near him. However, the next day we went for family Santa photos at the village, and she had a great conversation with Santa, and agreed to pose for a photo.
On someone's camera we also have a photo of all the family. However Sophia refused to be in it, and everyone looks great, but it feels funny without her!

Caroling Party

Although the snow was falling thick & fast, we still had a great turnout to the caroling party, including Sophia's buddy MacKenzie!!

(Dancing thru the 12 days of Christmas!)

Sunday, December 14, 2008