Back to Munich to rain, rain & cold rain.
We spent a day downtown, and then on Tuesday drove to Salzburg to meet Caro for lunch at her office, and a
fabulous environment the Gwandhaus. We had enough time before lunch to show the new Salzburger Center for UP to dad, and just happened to run into Frau Strobel cleaning up after all the kids left for the year (they left the Friday before). She took the time to show us the new center, the classroom, library, and dorm rooms (a bathroom & telephone in every room!!!) And to announce that the group will get an Austrian Priest next year as there aren't any priests available at UP! (or rejects from Notre Dame).
Given the year that we had, and the cultural differences I see now between US & European Catholicism, I'm curious as to how it all is going to go. I think I may have convinced Troy that we need to host the kids for a dinner in Munich next year. I'll keep you updated...
Anyway, then we were off to the
Gwandhaus for lunch, with a short stop at Schloss Hellbrun first. (Alexandra & I stayed in the car while she napped.)
Gwandhaus is an amazing place for lunch, drinks in the middle of a bike ride (they actually have electric bikes you can borrow for a couple hours), or an afternoon on the grass. I realize how much I missed in Salzburg when I studied there - mostly because it was the never ending winter & too cold to walk anywhere around the outskirts of the town. Caro looked wonderful as usual, and lunch was a special treat.
Then we went downtown for a while before the short drive back to Munich - you know it only takes 1 hour 15 min (with no traffic!).
** Happy Cinco de Mayo!