Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sophia’s First Sock Hop (Troy’s too)

Sophia’s school had a father/daughter Sock Hop, and of course we couldn’t resist. Sophia looked fantastic in her poodle skirt, but was not to be undone by the endless groups of pink ladies (ala Grease) at the dance. Sophia spent the first half of the night hiding out with her friends, and the second half dancing away. Most of the dads were just a little sore the next morning thanks to some little kiddie toss & turns, and the limbo stick...

Father Daughter Dance - 1950s themeFather Daughter Dance - 1950s themeFather Daughter Dance - 1950s theme

Friday, April 29, 2011

Moonlight Tea Party

Moya & Sophia were seeking enthusiastic royal fans to watch the Royal Wedding of William & Kate, and they found equal partners in cousins Mary & Cynthia. So they spent the weekend in San Francisco and woke up at 3 am for a proper tea party and to watch the wedding. Moya remembers as a little girl when Lady Diana was married, and I’m sure Sophia will remember her Moonlight Tea Party with her Nouna and Thea for the rest of her life. While in San Francisco, they were able to meet the newest Z cousin, James Jr.

In San Francisco for a tea party to celebrate the wedding of William & CatherineIn San Francisco for a tea party to celebrate the wedding of William & CatherineIn San Francisco for a tea party to celebrate the wedding of William & CatherineMeeting James Carlos Zaboukos, Sophia's new cousin.IMG_0472IMG_0481IMG_0482IMG_0483IMG_0488

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Turning a Big 3

Lexa was lucky enough to have two birthday parties – one at the Lake and one in the City, although she did have to share her birthday with Easter... She was a very proud 3 year old, and now all things have to come in 3s – 3 stuffed animals in her bed, three books on her bedside table, etc.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Celebrating Easter

Nothing brings out the excitement of the girls like Easter – decorating eggs, chocolate, and then of course the hunt.  We had fun dressing up, going to church service, and sharing time with family.
