Friday, February 26, 2010

Sophia is 6! Happy Birthday!

Sophia had quite the birthday celebrations this year.  Not only the party at school, but a party at Build-a-Bear and then a family dinner afterwards.  She also counts her birthday breakfast (complete with Mickey Mouse pancakes) as another party…

Feb 2010 Sea (186) (Licking the chocolate batter off the spatula after breakfast!)Feb 2010 Sea (188) Sitting in her Balloon throne opening presents!Feb 2010 Sea (197) Feb 2010 Sea (199) Feb 2010 Sea (201) and a new bike!Feb 2010 Sea (196) Training wheels to come off as soon as the snow stops…

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Just a few photos of our fun in the city that isn’t sleeping right now, not even if you want to take a nap in the sun.  There is just too much going on!!

IMG_1140 IMG_1144 IMG_1156 IMG_1155 IMG_1154 IMG_1207 IMG_1268 IMG_0087 IMG_0096 IMG_0086 IMG_0080 IMG_0068 IMG_0105