So, Troy has been bugging me that I haven’t posted anything on the triathlon, so here you go.
I actually woke up in the morning really sick, and didn’t know if it was from nerves about the race, or just that I was sick, but I would never recommend doing a triathlon on an empty (emptied) stomach… We arrived in time, the girls were happy, and then we were off!
The water wasn’t too bad compared to swimming in the Northwest, and lakes are pretty normal for me, so the swimming part was by far the easiest part for me.
(on a side note, entering the water with the entire group was a little freaky. There was a bunch of bumping in the water, and I think people who are a little weak in swimming would have a really hard time at the beginning and should wait 5 seconds after the start for the field to spread out a bit. The water gets cloudy, and if you are used to seeing where you are swimming you would have a hard time with it.
Then came the 20k of biking, needless to say, everyone that I passed in the water came back at me at full force…
Although it seems there was at least one person behind me… And I was still smiling at the end.
The first 2k of the run was really hard, my legs just didn’t want to move, but I got thru it (thanks to my headphones & a podcast of “wait wait don’t tell me”) and managed to finish it running.
Then I watched the 5 people finish behind me. Sad…
All in All, a great experience, and I think I may be hooked. I’ve been looking up sprint Triathlons in the Seattle area, I just missed the Munich one by a few weeks, and I’m definitely interested in one to train for in the fall. Something to keep me motivated during the summer vacation.
Following the end of the triathlon, the school sponsored a “Kinderlauf” in which the kids ran 100meters on the track for various prizes (Frisbees, jump ropes, bubbles, balloons, etc.) Sophia was very excited to take part, and did a great job staying in her lane… She didn’t win, but it was fun for us all to see her so active!
Sophie (2nd place) and Sophia with their loot!