Sophia had one last holiday weekend before the end of school for a German only holiday (no one else in Europe seemed to have the day off?!? But no one can tell me what the holiday is?) Since Troy’s travel has been so random lately & has included some weekend days (grrrr) we decided it would be a good idea to get away from Munich & have some really great family time before the summer travels start.
Originally we were looking at Ljubljana for the weekend, but the hotel that Troy wanted to stay at was full, so we decided just to drive the extra hour to get to the Croatian coast. We actually had a horrible drive thru Austria & Slovenia, lots of thunder storms, rain for most of the time, HUGE hail storms that had us driving 40 km on the autobahn, but once we got thru the mountains – and there are a lot of them! – we found sunshine & the temperature increased 20 degrees.
We stopped in Lake Bled for a very quick visit to the castle, and a small view of the lake, but pit stops with 2 kids dying to get to the beach doesn’t work out very well. It made for a couple of quick photos, and then back to the car.
After lots of tunnels, a new highway in Slovenia, and a very funny border crossing (Croatia isn’t yet in the EU), we arrived at the resort. A little odd, lots of Communist Era Apartments, and pools that have seen better days, but the new villas where we stayed were wonderful, had a terrace with curtains to die for, and had no stairs for Alexandra to play around on…