Friday, January 12, 2007

Park time

The last day before we got on the plane was spent at the park with Nana & Papa, until it got so cold we had to have Sante Fe to warm us up from the inside. Sophia loves the park, LOVED swinging high (they don't have swings in the Parks in Paris - I think they take up too much space) and climbing all around. Obviously having Nana & Papa's full attention was the best part.
Thanks for making it so special!

Mommies, Nanas, and more 3 year olds...

Finally, all 3 are still for a second...
The moment is over.
With the Nanas.
Nana & Sophia.
With the mommies...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

3 almost 3 yr olds

Liam, Sophia & MacKenzie taking over the playroom.

Negotiating the stairs to MacKenzie's room.
Chasing eachother around the couch took up the better part of a morning.

Trying to get them to keep still for a photo... Impossible!

New Years at the lake

The neighbors had polar bear swims in the afternoon...

Troy & Sophia with our friends Bryan & Susan. Sophia had been wearing a bandaid on her head to keep her from scratching & picking at a stubborn chicken pox that wouldn't go away, and when she saw that Bryan had a boo-boo on his head she insisted on picking out a Dora bandaid for him to wear. Needless to say Bryan was a great sport about it...

Hanging out with Leo

We had a short visit with Amy & Leo where Sophia decided it was better to feed Leo than to have her food taken out of her bowl (they were sharing some rice).

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Christmas in Seattle

Dancing on Christmas Eve

Sophia & Papa playing with her new umbrella.

Pausing to play with a new book on Christmas morning. After opening about 3 or 4 presents Sophia was done & all she wanted to do was play with her new toys. It took the next week to finish opening the rest. A well loved little girl...

Sophia & Sean at Christmas