Friday, May 04, 2007


Papa, Sophia & Nana halfway up the stairs from the harbor to the top of the village. Somehow we decided to drive down to the harbor, and then walk up the hill.

Fishing boats in the Harbor...

Sophia posing on the upper walk into town looking over at Cap Ferrat (nice yacht in the background).

The harbor of Villefrache with the villas of Cap Ferrat in the background.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Exporing Antibes

Sophia & Troy hanging out in the Mediteranian. The water was quite cold, but the temperature was about 70 degrees (about 10 less than in Paris - a bit ironic).
Sophia spending hours throwing stones into the ocean
And throwing smaller stones in the back yard of the villa where we are staying
The Fortress at Antibes, lined with cars on market day.

Promenade des Anglais - Nice

Sophia at the beginning of the day (before all the clothes were stripped off) on the beach at Nice. It was raining when we left our villa, so we thought we would have no need for a bathing suit. However, by the time we reached the beach - the temperature went up 15 degrees and the sun came out for a beautiful day.
Troy & Sophia playing at the water's edge
Sophia playing with Don in the Mediteranian
Every time sophia got a piece of clothing wet, she would want it off immediately. So she played for the better part of the morning sans clothes. Of course, the French loved it.
Lynn & Moya relaxing at the beach cafe while Don & Troy played with Sophia down by the water. Draped with classic blue & white Nice umbrellas, it was quite a Cote d'Azur post card.