2 big issues for me:
1- The doctor said since I have already been "stretched" that I would most likely not require an epidural. (Can you hear me screaming with the thought of the pain already!)
2- Group rooms. There are some private rooms at the hospital, but for the most part I will always have at least 1 room mate. I know that as an American, I have a slightly puritanical (prudish) view of privacy in comparison to the rest of the world. However, I don't really think that my reaction to this news is outside of the ordinary if the thought of being kept awake by my own newborn at 3 in the morning doesn't fill me with a slight panic - given that I'm not sleeping really well right now anyway - the thought of being kept awake by someone elses child sends me a little bonkers... So we will see. If there is a room available, it is an extra 50 euro per night. Sleep will be worth every penny.
So, onto other news, the baby is growing well. Estimated to be almost 5 lbs at this point, with just under 5 weeks to go. She is amazingly active, and quite strong, so that when she moves and gets the hiccups it is such a surprise, and literally takes my breath away.
She has very bony feet, and loves pushing off of my ribs, which causes her to shoot down onto my bladder.
Her favorite thing to do when I lay down to go to bed is push & kick against the mattress. If I flip to the other side, so does she... She also has the hiccups almost every night.
Sophia is getting very excited to be a big sister. We have been reading lots of books trying to get the mindset ready, but she is just really looking forward to "playing" with her sister. She walked around all afternoon with a pacifier in her mouth (you know the british call them dummies?!), and crawling like a baby. It lasted until she started rolling around & slammed the back of her head on the hardwood floors as she rolled over. After that she decided riding her bike in the hall was much more fun!
1 comment:
Hello Baby Z's mother, Someone put your url on an entry on my site (http://www.mytb.org/kaanosaurus)... I have an article about having a baby in Munich. I'm from Atlanta originally, but moved to Munich from Olympia, WA when I was 30 or 32 weeks pregnant (I can't remember at the moment). Anyway, good luck with that - you can send me an e-mail (saskia.akyil@googlemail.com) if you have any questions. I've birthed two children in Munich and was very happy with the experience (and I got epidurals both times, but I could give you more details about how to get one, if you are interested :))
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