Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sophia’s hair cut

I just realized that I never actually put these photos up – I think I was busy playing catch-up from our trip to Provence…

May 09 124

Anyway, this was mother’s day.  Troy was traveling, so I got a babysitter to get some gym time, and while Ashley was watching the girls Sophia decided to “make” me a mother’s day present.  Apparently her hair was getting in the way of her drawing, and rather than just put her headband back on she took the scissors & cut bangs for herself.

May 09 126

She did a pretty good job, I didn’t clean it up at all.  But when I asked her why she just didn’t put her headband back on, she was a bit confused as to why she had done it as well.

May 09 128

Oh well, hair grows…

On a side note, Troy had me cut some inches off the rest of her hair because he thought it looked too much like a mullet…  Poor thing.

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