A rather daunting concept! There are so many places to see and so little time to decide. Over the past week in Paris we have seen more than 20 apartments, and have made a decision to rent one near rue de Passy in the 16th. It looks like a typical Parisian neighborhood, and we are really excited about being so close to the river, and the Eiffel Tower.
We spent 3 days visiting all of the apartments, and after the first day we had to sit down & re-configure our wants & needs. We decided that a modern apartment (think post war 1950s & 60s re-building) is definitely NOT our style, even if the space is great. With that said, there are a few contemporary apartments that were interesting - specifically the one with the 1,000 sq ft terrace on the roof of the building - but felt a little too much like Bachelor Pads to be serious about.
On the other hand, Troy has concerns about getting the "parents apartment" with too much frilly stuff all over the place, and too ornate. Even though we know we are getting the ex-pat's view of apartments, it has been really interesting to see all of the styles and set ups that people here live with. One apartment had 3 bedrooms, and the family still had half of the living room split up into another bedroom for an additional child!
The afternoons & evenings were fantastic! We stayed in a hotel in the 15th, with a view of the Eiffel Tower, and went for late walks every evening before dinner. Sophia is a charmer with all of the Parisians, they just love [beautiful] children...
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