We made it to Paris!! All 3 of us, 9 bags, 2 flights, 14 hours, and one long taxi ride (in which all of us fell asleep) later we arrived in Paris at our new "temporary" home. It is a great 6th floor apartment near Trocadero & Place de Victor Hugo in the 16th - so not too far from our "real" apartment. We have enough bedrooms, and a very pink bathroom with a one butt kitchen (you can literally stand in the middle of the kitchen, perform a slow turn and open the oven, fridge, chop something on the 3 feet of corner counter space, do the dishes, and run a load of laundry all at the same time).
The great thing about the apartment is the tiny deck that we are using almost every night for drinks & late dinners after Sophia goes to bed, and the fact that it butts up against the Russian Music Conservatory in back, so with the windows open for a bit of air, we have great musical accompaniment for the activities of our day.
The weather has been fantastic, and we try to take advantage of this by going for long walks at night when Troy gets home for work (we have great twilight here), and Sophia & I are trying to get out a lot during the day to new parks, or checking out stores around us.
Grocery shopping is a bit of a challenge, as is cooking in the kitchen. Despite what we have learned in the 20/20 program, I think we are going to be eating a lot of pasta over the next few weeks until we move into our real apartment.
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