Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Alexandra – growing before our eyes

All of a sudden I looked at Alexandra tonight & realized that she isn’t a baby anymore.  She doesn’t even really look like a toddler – all I see is, sigh, little girl.

IMG_0530 She has a great “cheese” faceIMG_0528 and then there is the joy of playing with bubbles (in the living room – Troy’s doing)IMG_0501 IMG_0505 IMG_0495 Sophia saw the camera & came running…IMG_0523 IMG_0525 IMG_0526 I love the joy they have for each other.  Alexandra is so proud because she can pronounce Sophia’s name perfectly.  Sometimes it comes out in a whisper, but when we leave the school, and Alexandra feels Sophia is too far ahead, everyone in the parking lot can hear her.  SOPHIA!

And they all smile…

Monday, February 01, 2010

A Day in the Munich Snow

With nearly 3 weeks of straight snowfall, and sub-freezing temperatures; the sun finally came out and we decided to explore the snow-covered city. The girls loved their new white city, where every open field became a new playground. Moya & Sophia made joint snow angels, while Alexandra was more interested in eating the snow. Most of the photos are taken in the Konigsplatz area.