Friday, May 11, 2007

Market Day in Antibes

The piles of spices in the food stalls and shopping baskets hanging from the walls.
Nana & Sophia picking out fresh strawberries! (Great for the champagne later)
Provencial aromatic Soaps, lavender is a favorite.
Play time with Papa on the trampoline in the park after lunch.
We spent a great morning at the Markets in Antibes. We were a little late, so we only had a few minutes in the clothing stalls (like anything fits americans anyway), and walked thru the old town to the enclosed food market. The smells of spices, stinky cheeses, flowers, fruits & vegetables is amazing, and probably overwhelming when it is 90, however we hit it on a cold & rainy day in the south of France so we were just able to smell with pleasure & not be assulted by them.
Lunch was from one of the better bakeries we found, and eaten at the play park where Sophia was finally able to work off some of her energy. It's amazing how much energy a 3 year old has.

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